Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Power Failure

In my classroom, on a daily basis, we use an Elmo, a projector and a laptop......unless the power goes out and you have to improvise. Yesterday was the Math TAKS test, so today I figured that the students would be using minimal amounts of brain power...I was I planned for an easy day watching a science video and playing a science checkers game. In Deer Park there was a huge storm and the power went off from 1:45 until 4:30 which means my entire third group was electricity-less. Thankfully our class has a huge window along one whole wall for light!!! However, mt plan for the movie for this group was shot. Instead, I read to them. They LOVED it. The students really enjoy the use of technology and that I use it often, but the look on their faces when I asked them to join me on the floor for story time, was priceless. Technology is so neat, and a very useful tool, but as a teacher, you at sometime have to learn how to get along with out it. This was good practice :)

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